Calendar of the Sun
2 Blutmonath
Day VI of the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris
Colors: Green and black
Elements: Earth and Air
Altar: Upon cloth of green and black set a figure of Isis, a figure of Osiris, a box carved like a
sarcophagus, and two large ivory candles.
Offerings: Undertake a project that may fail.
Daily Meal: Beer. Barley. Figs. Dates. Nuts. Flatbread.
Invocation to Isis II
Praise be unto thee, O lady, mightier than the gods,
The living souls who are in their hidden places
Praise the mystery of thee.
O thou who art their mother,
Thou source from which they sprang
Who makest for them a place in the hidden Underworld,
Who makest sound their bones
And preservest them from terror,
Who makes them strong in the abode of everlastingness.
For Isis searched three days in the swamps of the Nile,
Tirelessly she searched, unceasingly she searched,
Between her tears she waded in water
Thick with the crocodiles of doom
Sixteen pieces of her husband's body
She recovered, but found to her eternal sorrow
The organ of fertility had been eaten by a crab,
The life force of Osiris was forever gone,
And all the magic in the world
Could not bring him back to life.
Yet she was not entirely undone,
For she brought him back for one night only,
One night enough to conceive his child
By all the means of her goodly magics.
And so was the sacred child Horus conceived
On a night of sorcery and secrecy,
And thus was born also his father's vengeance.
Raise your voices for the power of Isis!
(All cheer, but then the cheers are silenced, and all exit quietly.)
[Pagan Book of Hours]