Calendar of the Moon
19 Huath/Thargelion

Kallynteria: Spring Cleaning

Color: Grey and white
Element: Air
Altar: Upon cloth of grey and white place many brooms locked together in a geometric star, a clay bowl of water, and strong incense.
Offering: Clean the house.
Daily Meal: Vegan and simple.

Kallynteria Invocation

Call: Hail, Spirits of Cleansing!
Response: Hail, Wind of Change!
Call: We walk through the grime
Of many days and nights,
Grime of body that comes
On the bottom of our soles!
Response: Grime of spirit that comes
From the depths of our souls!
Call: On this day we sweep it all away!
Response: Sweep it all away!
Call: Weariness and drabness!
Response: Sweep it all away!
Call: Despair and sadness!
Response: Sweep it all away!
Call: The ashes of fear!
Response: Sweep it all away!
Call: The coals of resentment!
Response: Sweep it all away!
Call: The cobwebs of boredom!
Response: Sweep it all away!
Call: We will make this place ready for the Gods.
Response: We will make ready!
Call: We will clean and purify!
Response: We will await the Plynteria!
Call: This place will be sacred space!
Response: As is each of our souls!

(Each takes a broom from the altar and goes to sweep one part of the house. As they approach the altar, they are anointed with water from the cup as a purification. Others follow behind with the incense, fumigating every room. Open all windows and let the winds blow in.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]