Calendar of the Sun
23 Halegmonath

Day of the Scales: Beginning of Libra

Colors: Pink, rose, white, and pastels
Element: Air
Altar: Drape with cloth in the day's colors, and set with flowers, a crystal goblet of white wine, incense, feathers from any bird, a set of scales, a sword, and a pile of law books.
Offerings: Flowers. Anything beautiful or artistic. Beautify an area. Do something that is fair and just. Offer yourself for mediation for others.
Daily Meal: Sweet things, such as pastry, cakes, fruit, and other sweet desserts. The meals should be arranged aesthetically attractively.

Invocation to Libra

There are two sides to every scale,
The side of beauty and what is loved,
The side of fairness and what is just,
And it is a life's work
To bring the two together.
You whose gift is Balance,
Bless us with harmony in every debate,
And help us see our views
Through the eyes of others.
By the power of all that bonds together,
You challenge us
To listen as much as we speak,
To speak as much as we listen,
To go back and forth in the dance of I and Thou.
May we all go forth in equality.

(Instead of a chant, all sing the song "Crane Dance". One person who has been chosen to work the ritual goes among them, dispersing the flowers, and afterwards all will disperse the flowers about the house, so that they may be seen anywhere they walk.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]