Calendar of the Sun
23 Weodmonath

Vulcanalia: Day of Hephaestos

Color: Red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a red cloth worked with flames set four red candles, a flaming brazier, a wooden crutch, a black rock, an anvil, a hammer, and many things worked of metal.
Offering: Fish. Nail parings and hair. Make something.
Daily Meal: Pie.

Vulcanalia Invocation

Lord of volcanoes,
You who understand submerged wrath,
Help me to keep mine in check.
Lord of work,
You who understand its balm to the soul,
Help me to learn the joys of focused labor.
Lord of craft,
You whose fire tempers iron into steel,
You who understand what it is to be crippled,
Beat my will strong and straight again
That the sign of your hammer
May be imprinted in everything I make.
Lord who is the strong iron of competence
And the driving blows of manifestation,
May your hands guide us into honorable work.
Hail Vulcan Mulciber, Charmer of Fire!
Hail Vulcan Quietus; may your gift of tame fire
Stay tame enough not to harm our house!
May your flames warm us, inspire us
And never burn beyond their borders,
So long as we give you the proper respect.

(Each comes forth and places something into the brazier, be it a bit of hair or nail parings, or some of the fish, which is given as an offering because fish is normally safe from fire. Those who wish to be blessed for their crafts may give an offering of craft today, or simply kneel and contemplate the craftwork on the altar, perhaps holding it and praising Hephaistos.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]