Calendar of the Sun
25 Eostremonath

Walpurgisnacht Day III

Color: Grey
Element: Air
Altar: Upon a grey cloth set three candles, a bowl of dust, the runes Thorn and Haegl, and a battered knapsack.
Offerings: Help those who are homeless.
Daily Meal: Fasting today, from the night before until today's Hesperis.

Walpurgisnacht Invocation III

Odhinn the wanderer, once Lord of Asgard,
Once Keeper of Valhalla, once All-Father of gods,
Traveled the dusty roads of Midgard,
Dust for his meals and dust in his eyes,
And the folk of Midgard looked upon him
And saw only an old beggar,
And when he asked them for a meal,
Many threw stones, many threw curses,
And a few threw a crust of bread,
And counted themselves generous.
When he asked them for a drink,
Many threw stones, many threw curses,
And a few gave him a dipperful from a horse-trough,
And counted themselves generous.
When he asked them for a place to sleep,
Many threw stones, many threw curses,
And a few showed him to a pile of moldy hay,
And counted themselves generous.
When he asked them for work,
Many threw stones, many threw curses,
And a few set him to cleaning pigsties,
And counted themselves generous.
So was the Lord of Asgard served
By the folk of Midgard who saw him,
Not knowing that it was the Lord of the Aesir
At whom their stones were aimed.
And so Odhinn suffered, and made the first sacrifice:
Understanding what it is to have no home,
And count Midgard's folk against you.

(Today, those who have no home should be invited in for a meal while the House fasts, or else the meal should be taken to another place for them to eat. Silence for the day while alone.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]