Pagan Book of Hours - Traditional Holidays
Yule - Yulemonath 22
Brigid's Day - Solmonath 1
Ostara - Hrethemonath 22
Beltane - Thrimilchimonath 1
Litha - Lithemonath 22
Lammas - Weodmonath 1
Mabon - Halegmonath 22
Samhain - Winterfyllith 31
Oidhche Lughnasadh (Lammas Eve) - 31 Haymonath
Imbolc Eve - Wolfmonath 31
Ambarvalia - Sprouting Corn Day - 29 Thrimilchimonath
Arktoi: Day of the Bear - 17 Saille
Arrephoria - 3 Duir
Carista: Day of Peace in the Family - following Feralia
Carmentalia - Wolfmonath 8
Cerealia - Persephone's Return - 19 Eostremonath
Charistheria - Charis, Goddess of Mercy - 30 Weodmonath
Concordia - Wolfmonath 29
Consualia - 21 Weodmonath
Diasia: Day of Ua Zit - 23 Nion
Elaphebolia: Day of Artemis - 6 Fearn
Feralia: Day of Purification - midmonth, solar
Floralia - Flora's Day - 28 Eostremonath
Fontinalia - Day of Springs - 13 Blutmonath
Fordicalia - Day of Tellus Mater - 15 Eostremonath
Fornacalia: Day of the Ovens - 17 Solmonath
Gamelia: Day of the Sacred Marriage - 26 Luis
Genesia - Muin 5
Festival of the Girlchild - 3 Hrethemonath
Haloa - Threshing Day - Beth 26
Hilaria - Cybele's Day - Hrethemonath 15
Hocktide - Day of the Amazon - 9 Eostremonath
Ilithyia - Wolfmonath 10
Justicia I: Themis's Day - 7 Wolfmonath
Justicia II: Dike's Day - 8 Haymonath
Kalends - Day of the Moerae - 1 Wolfmonath
Kallynteria: Spring Cleaning - 19 Huath
Lemuria - 5, 7, 9 Saille
Liberalia - Liberty Festival - Hrethemonath 17
Lupercalia - 14 Solmonath
Maimakteria - 24 Ngetal
Compitalia Mania - Wolfmonath 13
Matronalia: Day of Juno Lucina - 28 Solmonath
Meditrinalia - Halegmonath 11
Meinherjar - Feast of Valhalla - 30 Thrimilchimonath
Traveler's Blessing - Halegmonath 25
Naga Panchami: Day of Snakes - 25 Haymonath
Navigium - Poseidon's Day - 4 Hrethemonath
Neptunalia - 23 Haymonath
Opiconsivia - 25 Weodmonath
Paganalia - Wolfmonath 24
Parentalia - 13 Solmonath
Pax - Wolfmonath 30
Phallogia - 27 Weodmonath
Plynteria: Altar Cleansing Rite - 25 Huath
Regifugium: Day of the Abdication of the Sacred King - 24 Solmonath
Sanguinaria - Day of Blood - Hrethemonath 24
Sementivae Feria - Wolfmonath 25
Skirophoria - 12 Duir
Tanabata - Lovers of the Milky Way - 7 Haymonath
Terminalia, Day of Setting Boundaries: Janus's Day - 4 Wolfmonath
Veneralia - Venus's Day - 1 Eostremonath
Vestalia - Vesta's Day - 7 Lithemonath
Victoria : Day of Nike - 16 Solmonath
Vinalia Rustica - 19 Weodmonath
Lenaia Day I, Day II,
Day III, Day IV - Luis 12-15
Greater Mystery Pre-Initiation - 6 Nion
Day 1 Day 2
Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6
Day 7 - Muin 15-21
Anthesteria Day 1: Pithogia,
Day 2: Khoes, Day 3: Khutroi - 11-13 Nion
Dionysia Polis Day 1, Day 2,
Day 3, Day 4,
Day 5 - Fearn 9-13
Country Dionysia Day 1 : Phallikon,
Day 2: Askolia - Beth 15-16
Thargelia Day 1 : Pharmakos,
Day 2 : Festival of the First Fruits,
Day 3: Eireisione - Huath 7-9
Quinquatria Day 1 - Racing Day,
Day 2 - Wrestling Day,
Day 3 - Music Day,
Day 4 - Poet's Day,
Day 5 - Day of Artisans - Hrethemonath 19-23
Grapevine Festival Day 1: Ariadne,
Day 2 - Dionysos - Halegmonath 1-2
Day I,
Day II,
Day III,
Day IV,
Day V,
Day VI ,
Day VII,
Day VIII - Eostremonath 23-30
Mysteries of Isis & Osiris
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7 - 28 Wynterfyllith - 3 Blutmonath
Day 1: Saturn,
Day 2: Saturn Unchained,
Day 4: Unbound,
Day 7: Mother Night - Yulmonath 17-23
Opet - Marriage of Isis and Osiris - 19 Haymonath
Neptunalia - 23 Haymonath
Festival of Fides - Winterfyllith 1
Mithrastide - Yulmonath 25
Hogmanay - Yulmonath 31
Larentalia - Yulmonath 24
Oskophoria: Ariadne - Gort 6
Puanepsia - Gort 7
Theseia - Gort 8
Stenia 1 - Gort 9
Stenia 2 - Gort 10
Thesmophoria 1: Anodos - Gort 11
Thesmophoria 2: Nesteia - Gort 12
Thesmophoria 3: Kallingeneia - Gort 13
Apaturia 1: Dorpia - Gort 22
Apaturia 2: Anarrhusis - Gort 23
Apaturia 3: Koureotis - Gort 24
Khalkeia - Gort 27
[Pagan Book of Hours]